How to Remove Pet Hair From Carpet With These 6 Hacks

· Carpet Cleaning

Pets and children are the life of the house. They enlighten your sad and depressed mood. But having pets means having pet hair everywhere. We use tonics, nourishing food, or combing our pets but we still face this problem. You can also take the help of Carpet Cleaning Sydney.

House owners mostly faced the problem of pet hair on their carpets. Pet Hair Removal From Carpet is important as it would adversely affect your carpet and the chances of allergens and allergen increases.

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You can get rid of pet hair by following these Pet Hair Removal From Carpet methods:

1. Vacuum cleaning:

It is the best way of Pet Hair Removal From Carpet. Vacuum cleaners are easily available in our house. Attach your vacuum cleaner with a soft brush and vacuum your carpet thoroughly. You will get rid of your pet hair on the carpet within 5 minutes. Therefore, vacuum cleaning is the easiest way of removing your pet hair from the carpet.

2. Long bristle brush:

A long bristle brush helps to eliminate pet hair from your carpet efficiently. But it requires much more effort than vacuum cleaning. So, Brush your carpet thoroughly to remove your pet hair efficiently from the carpet.

3. Using protective layer:

You are having pets inside your home, you can use a protective layer to protect your carpet from your pet hair. You can use damp clothes, sheets or also use plastic sheets to prevent pet hair on the carpet. It is the effective method of carpet cleaning and it will save you a lot of time and energy. So, it is better not to use newspaper as it would be torn away by your pet.

4. Using pet roller:

Pet roller is the best to remove pet hair from the carpet. You just have to use a pet roller on the carpet efficiently and thoroughly in all directions. You can get rid of pet hair from the carpets within 5 minutes.

5. Using baking soda to loosen the pet hair from the carpet:

If your pet hair gets deep in the carpet and is unable to clean out with the help of a brush or vacuum cleaner, you can use baking soda to loosen the hair and it will also deodorize your carpet. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and rub it with a brush. Use a vacuum cleaner after 10 minutes and you will get rid of pet hair from your carpet.

6. Rubber gloves:

Rubber gloves are another way to get rid of pet hair from your carpet. The rubber gloves generate static energy on the carpet and dog hair gets stuck to it. So, it is a brilliant method as rubber gloves are easily available in our house and there is no need to use chemicals to clean your carpets.


Pet hair on the carpets or sofas is a common problem of house owners but you can solve it by using the above hacks. These hacks will help you to make your carpets more presentable and beautiful without doing much effort. You can also read our blog on Ways To Sanitize Carpet For Baby.